buying grade a pallets vs grade b pallets

Buying Grade A Pallets vs Grade B Pallets

For most industries utilizing pallets for their shipping needs, they may already be familiar with various pallet types and load capacities. However, have you differentiated a new plastic pallet from a B-grade pallet? In the content below, we explore how pallets are graded, define Grade A and Grade B pallets, and compare both product types to help you best decide which plastic pallet type works for your application.

How Are Pallets Graded?

Essentially, pallets are graded based on current condition and then placed in one of three classification grades: Grade A, B, or C. However, manufacturers and distributors commonly classify plastic pallets as new, used, or unfit for use.

Below is a simplified breakdown explaining the grading criteria for each pallet classification.

Grade A

Grade A pallets are typically referred as new pallets. Therefore, these plastic pallets are in pristine condition and have yet to acquire any blemishes or undergo any repairs.

Grade B

The B-Grade designation applies for any minor flaws accrued during injection molding or minor damages occurring between shipments. Due to those flaws, they fail to meet our high-quality standards.

However, in most cases, these minor blemishes will not affect functionality and pallet performance. Although these pallets are still structurally sound and sufficient for both your shipping needs and supply chain, Grade B pallets can’t be sold as Grade A pallets.

As pallet grading is subjective, a B-grade pallet is simply one that graded aesthetically. For example, there is no guarantee that a visible stain or minor blemish went undetected when the pallet was inspected prior to shipping out. Minor flaws could include but are not limited to discoloration, cracks, chips, or slightly deformed material.

Pallet products like the RRM 1000 (B-GRADE) are still made of ACM just like the standard RRM 1000.

Grade C

If a plastic pallet fails to meet the structural integrity and qualifications of a B-Grade pallet, then it can be classified as Grade C. However, manufacturers and distributors typically forego classifying the pallet and simply label it as structurally unsafe and unfit for use. As a result, grade C plastic pallets are sent back to a manufacturer to be recycled and re-made.

Grade A Pallet Advantages

Highest Quality Pallets

As they are brand new pallets, Grade A pallets offer the strongest and most durable conditions for any application. Therefore, you can confidently trust that your shipped products will arrive safely at its destination with a low chance of incurring damages. However, you must ensure that whoever loads the products onto the pallets does so efficiently. Failure to do so may result in product damages.

Grade A Pallet Considerations

Budget Friendliness

While you can find new, Grade A plastic pallets at relatively low costs (depending on your desired application), they will cost more than the B-Grade version of the same pallet type. Therefore, for small businesses or any organizations that can tolerate some imperfections, it may be more beneficial to purchase slightly blemished, Grade B pallets fulfill your shipping needs.

Grade B Pallet Advantages

Profitable for One-Way Shipping

If your operation heavily relies on one-way shipments, utilizing Grade B pallets may be to your advantage. B-grade pallets, or used pallets, are smart resources for one-way shipping as they are the and most cost-effective pallets available. Therefore, using these pallets will serve as a low-cost alternative to consistently purchasing Grade A plastic pallets for a one-way shipment. However, keep in mind that Grade B pallets are slightly blemished.

Suitable for Low-Cost Applications

Economic due to their low price and weight, Grade B pallets drastically help cut shipping costs for both domestic and international applications. For any small business or organization looking to reduce their supply chain costs, purchasing B-grade pallets results in high-quality products at lower rates in lieu of purchasing A-grade pallets.

Grade B Pallet Considerations

While the notion of saving your organization substantial expenses over time is greatly beneficial, there is one consideration to keep in mind when contemplating if Grade B pallets or used pallets are for your industry’s needs.

The Risk of Incurring Additional Pallet Damages

With any pallet shipment, both domestically or internationally, you risk incurring damages to your pallets and products. Damages can occur on any pallet, especially if the products on the pallet exceeded its weight capacity or someone failed to properly secure the products.

However, in the event your organization needs to ship fragile, valuable, or heavy-duty products and only utilizes Grade B pallets, you must carefully inspect the pallet’s current condition to ensure both product and pallet safety.

As aforementioned, Grade B pallets are typically found in optimal condition, but their lifespan may be shorter than a new plastic pallet. Therefore, failure to properly inspect Grade B pallets prior to shipment may result in damaged goods or pallets.

Find the Perfect Pallet with Plastic Pallet Pros

Are you ready to purchase plastic pallets but are still unsure of which grade to select from? Buying plastic pallets does not have to be a stressful experience! Our team at Plastic Pallet Pros is dedicated to finding affordable solutions for all your pallet transportation, export, and storage needs.

Our experts will guide you through our current supply to see what we have readily available in our warehouse. Additionally, we will help you decide which pallets best support your industry needs. Contact us today to see how we can help with your pallet requirements.

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